Friday, May 9, 2008

Denominational Considerations

In reviewing denominational uses of various media, institutions within the Roman Catholic church, notably publishers (and to some extent segments of the Jewish community)have been the most extensive and most creative users. Not only have do they have a long history of using print and electronic broadcast medua, they seem to be the most innovative in incorporating the interactive aspect of the World Wide Web in their efforts to form people in faith. This is particularly notable in light of the predominance of Protestant efforts to proclaim the Gospel (more broadcast than interactive).

While this is by no means a systematic analysis, my intuition offers that the more interactive use of the Internet within Roman Catholic contexts is the result of enculturating aspects of Roman Catholicism. More than something to believe, faith is something to practice. While the Word is essential, Roman Catholics tend to focus more heavily on praxis - theology in action. Church documents (rare in Protestant traditions)inculcate adherents to integrate theological understandings with societial innovations for the common good. Thus, it seems more natural that they would integrate a more interactive relational use of the medium.

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